Tag Archives: following Jesus today

Young Evangelicals – Following Jesus Right

2 Jun

Okay, so I know this is like my 5th post today.  But how the heck else do you expect me to properly procrastinate the lesson plan due in a few hours? I place 100% of the blame on TIME – for a couple of killer recent articles, not the least of which was about how young evangelicals are expanding their mission, bringing social justice new meaning and raising the bar for others.

As if this article didn’t suck me in enough – they even refer to my current gmail signature:

And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8

Read it, it’s a doozie.

Then, once you’re fired up with some difference-makin’ passion be sure to check out Richard Stearns’ (president of World Vision – “one of the biggest international relief and development organizations on the planet”) The Hole In Our Gospel.

Now there’s a couple a worthwhile tidbits to chew on!